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Mengenal dan Menggunakan Tipe Data di MySQL Belajar
These types of fields orcolumns are also referred to as data types after the type of data you will be storing in those fields MySQL uses many different data types broken into three categories numeric date and time and string types Numeric Data Types MySQL uses all the standard ANSI SQL numeric data types so if you re coming to MySQL from a

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MySQL MySQL 5 7 Reference Manual 11 Data Types
MySQL supports SQL data types in several categories numeric types date and time types string character and byte types spatial types and the JSON data type This chapter provides an overview and more detailed description of the properties of the types in each category and a summary of the data type storage requirements

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MySQL Data Types Tutorialspoint
Tipe Data Numeric pada database MySQL terbagi atas beberapa macam tipe data yaitu INT Digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang berupa bilangan bulat positif dan negatif dengan jangkauan antara 2 147 483 648 s d 2 147 483 647 Tipe data ini mempunyai ukuruan 4 byte 32 bit Contoh TOTAL MAHASISWA INT TINYINT

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MySQL MySQL 5 7 Reference Manual 11 1 Numeric Data Types

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MySQL MySQL 5 6 Reference Manual 11 Data Types
MySQL supports all standard SQL numeric data types These types include the exact numeric data types INTEGER SMALLINT DECIMAL and NUMERIC as well as the approximate numeric data types FLOAT REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER and the keywords DEC and FIXED are synonyms for DECIMAL

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MySQL supports SQL data types in several categories numeric types date and time types string character and byte types spatial types and the JSON data type This chapter provides an overview and more detailed description of the properties of the types in each category and a summary of the data type storage requirements

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11 1 1 Numeric Data Type Syntax MySQL
MySQL supports SQL data types in several categories numeric types date and time types string character and byte types and spatial types This chapter provides an overview and more detailed description of the properties of the types in each category and a summary of the data type

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MySQL MySQL for Visual Studio 5 1 MySQL SQL Editor Sumber : dev.mysql.com

MySQL MySQL 8 0 Reference Manual 11 Data Types
For integer data types M indicates the maximum display width The maximum display width is 255 Display width is unrelated to the range of values a type can store as described in Section 11 1 6 Numeric Type Attributes For floating point and fixed point data types M is the total number of digits that can be stored

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Alter Table Add Multiple Column Teradata Syntax Two Sumber : twobirdsfourhands.com

MySQL Data Types Overview MySQL Tutorial
JSON data type MySQL supported a native JSON data type since version 5 7 8 that allows you to store and manage JSON documents more efficiently The native JSON data type provides automatic validation of JSON documents and optimal storage format In this tutorial you have learned various MySQL data types that help you determine which data type you should use for columns when you create tables

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SQL Data Types JournalDev Sumber : www.journaldev.com

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